Declutter Your Bookshelf in Style
Your bookshelf may start off organized, as you situate that copy of “Anne of Green Gables" you couldn’t part with and every other classic and not-so-classic you had to have in your collection.
Before you know it, you’re running out of room — and quickly — possibly tossing one book on top of the other, all askew without any rhyme or reason. You might even have a few bills or paperwork caught in the mix because you didn’t have anywhere else for them.
That’s not even considering if you added knick-knacks to give it a personalized touch.
Rather than panic about the mess — take one shelf at a time and incorporate these few helpful hints for decluttering your bookshelf.
Sort First, Ask Questions Later
As to not wind up with a massive, overwhelming mess that you can’t finish that day — because, you know, life happens — remove everything from one shelf at a time. Then, if anything comes up, like you have to run your child to their friend's house, you won’t have a disaster to come home to and won’t need to find a way to hide the disorder until tomorrow.
Before you begin, create multiple piles, and try to approach the sorting with an open mind; if not, you may find you’re merely rearranging everything and still won’t achieve the final product you desire — a practical bookshelf that exudes your style while blending with the decor of the room.
As an example, consider creating four piles:
Return to the shelf
Save but relocate
While it’s difficult to part with some books and items, that book from your college thesis probably isn’t doing you much good now, so it might be time to relocate to the attic or donate it to a school, library, or nursing home.
A golden rule for purging — if you don’t love it or haven’t read it recently, it isn't relevant enough to take up room on a shelf. And keep in mind that you can always rotate the books and other miscellaneous items, so what you take off today doesn’t have to remain hidden away.
If you’re not interested in a total revamp of your shelf, you may place the items back on it and move to the next one. On the other hand, if your bookshelf needs a full makeover, leave the items off to the side for the time being until you've mapped out a course of action.
Take this as an opportunity to care for the wood properly as well. Prime example: if it’s an oak shelf, wipe it down with a damp rag using only a small amount of dish soap in the water. (You may also use one of these all-natural cleaners.) Make sure you don’t get it too wet and allow it plenty of time to dry before you place anything back on it.
For protection and an enhanced appeal, wax the shelf, allowing it about 30 minutes to dry before situating your belongings back on it.
Repeat until you complete every shelf if you’re not reorganizing.
Now, Put the Cherry on Top
Once you clean each shelf, it’s time to reorganize and redecorate — the fun aspect of deep cleaning, right? This is, however, absolutely a multi-step process.
Group Books
Before you go all in and start placing books and odds and ends, carefully think out your game plan. Unless you have an extensive book collection like Professor Charles Xavier, you likely want your bookcase to have a modern, minimalist look that's best accomplished by placing several books on each shelf with room to expand or add your personal touch.
Since you won’t have each shelf jammed to the side, divide your books among each shelf. You could even consider breaking each shelf into two groups to give a balanced appearance or situate all the books centered in the middle.
But, no matter how you choose to organize, sort your books. While you’ll have an easier time finding the one you want if you arrange by genre or read vs. unread, you could also systematize by color or height to focus on the visual appeals.
Think About a Theme
Nothing says style like having a theme — something that’ll become a focal point. Perhaps you want a vintage feel that’ll blend seamlessly with various decor styles, including rustic, mid-century, Victorian, and more. Add a typewriter, gold-colored globe, brass bookends, trophies or medals, or framed postcards to capture the theme.
Let’s say you want something more modern… a black-and-white theme can create a sleek, sophisticated look, while you could do something more in line with who you are by adorning the shelves with trinkets you’ve collected throughout the years as you’ve traveled.
Even if the rest of your home isn’t nautical, giving your bookshelf a beach theme could give you the feeling you're always relaxing with your toes in the sand and a book in your hand.
Know Upright Isn’t Your Only Option
Stacking all your books on top of one another is unconventional, but it doesn’t have to be. Placing your books stacked on one another is just fine, especially if you have short or skinny shelves anywhere throughout your case. Mixing up how you position your books can also give the appearance of depth.
Make It Your Own
Decorative bookends are always trending, and you’ll find just about any style and/or color you can think of to complement the room’s decor.
To give you some inspiration as to what to add, consider the following:
Miniature statues
Mini planters
Decorative boxes
Glass bottles or jars filled with stones or trinkets
Decorative clock
For a unique touch on a built-in bookshelf, add a small mirror or painting on the wall behind the shelf.
Use Baskets or Bins for Organizing Non-Books
Baskets or bins are excellent ways to conceal clutter, and they can be used no matter which theme, if any, you choose.
By adding a basket or bin or two, small — but essential items — can remain but be out of sight and out of mind.
These are perfect for a minimalist look and still serve the purpose of adding some style to your shelving. Placing a hanger on a built-in bookshelf and hanging a basket can take the appeal of your shelf from a 5 to a 10 almost instantly. Bonus points if you can crochet and make it yourself!
While it’s easy for a bookshelf to be just, well, a bookshelf — a storage space to keep the room from looking disorganized, you can give it some personality and blend it with any decor. It may take a trip to the store — or at least an online shopping binge — to minimize, reorganize, and enhance its aesthetics.
If you’re missing that ideal bookcase to make your own or would like an upgrade, check out everything we offer in our organization collection.